
IMG_2327You know it might be a problem when your friends’ nickname for you is Mess.  And it’s not even that my life is all that messy (or interesting for that matter) – I just have this tendency to make bad decisions that make it sound that way.  As a messy and uninteresting person, I can probably be defined by a few simple things:

1.)  I am absurdly average (I  even once had an elementary school teacher stand me up in front of  class for a math assignment and proclaim to everybody, “Everyone, take a look.  This is Meaghan, she is average.”)

2.)  I fall fast and I fall hard.  This is where messy-ness ensues.

3.)  I frequently chalk mistakes up to important life lessons.  I also frequently fail to learn from these life lessons.

4.) Food is the vessel through which I work through all of  life’s dilemmas.  (Refer to “Mess Hall” for further proof of heavy reliance on food)

5.)  I am an advocate of personal growth.  Now that I’m in the latter half of my twenties, after years of dismal dating scenarios, I’m proud to say that I’ve managed to significantly lower the reliance on alcohol as well as the public vomiting aspect of my public breakdowns.

Also, now that I’m in the latter half of twenties and should therefore be lovely, calm, and sophisticated woman at all times, is probably good idea to revise behaviours.


– Take up refined hobby like knitting and craft projects that make people look at me with wonder and awe
– Stimulate mind with activities like chess rather than rotting mind with rubbish netflix every night
– Drink posh beverages like gin and wine instead of poor person vodka that is reminiscent of rubbing alcohol
– Buy more quality item pieces of clothing so as to look posh rather rubbish clothing items that come apart in washing machine
– Control portion sizes
– Spend evenings finding peace in cooking in manner of domestic goddess, Nigella Lawson
– Host more elegant dinners at home with friends
– Go to the gym at least three times a week, not just to stare at fit personal trainers


– Compare myself with skinny beautiful girls who have fabulous lives, jobs, and boyfriends
– Spend three hours at a time scouring said girls’ Facebook or Instagram accounts, but instead will cook a tagine
– Drink entire bottles of wine to myself on a weeknight but rather, limit self to classy glass or two
– Spend entire paycheques on happy hour alcohol selections
– Eat all the contents of snack drawer when have had a bad day but rather, munch on carrot stick.
– Go out to trashy club on Saturday night and become sloppy drunken person that has heavy men step all over shoes

Food.  Fun.  Stories.  Food.  Food.

Life really is all about food, fun, and stories and I hope to use this space as an area to interact.  Share your stories, advice, or any comments because I would love to hear from you!

14 thoughts on “About

  1. You are hilariuos and totally a girl after my own heart. Lol. I love food as well and usually my posts include a recipe but today I just could not be bothered. I will follow you eagerly.

    • Thanks so much! I think you’re amazingly brave for sticking it out here for five months. I was in London earlier this year and know how tough it is to be alone in a new place. If you are eating real food and not living off a diet of nutella, bananas,and chips, you win!

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